On April 22, 2023, over 350 people attended our annual Spring Fundraising Banquet at the Portuguese Club of Leamington. It was a great evening of dinner, entertainment, silent auction, and live auction. Thank you to all our sponsors, donors, and auction buyers who made the night such a success.
Annual Spring Banquet Raises $90,000
All money raised goes to the cost of producing dehydrated vegetable soup and apple snacks for local and international distribution. Along with the work of our amazing volunteers, financial support from our annual fundraiser allows us to distribute millions of meal servings to those in need.
If you missed the event and wish to make a donation to the SWO Gleaners, you can do so here on the website or by e-transfer to swogleaners@gmail.com or stop in and see us!
A gallery of pictures from our event is available on our home page, courtesy of Gary Glass.
Other Highlights:
Frieda Woelk donated raisin bread that was auctioned off
King Size Quilt donated by Martha Wiens
Board Member, Greg Tiessen was the evening’s emcee.
Enjoying the auction!
Auctioneer, Marty Unholzer
350 Guest!
Check out the full Gallery