The SWO Gleaners is a charitable organization that provides FREE dehydrated vegetable mix and dehydrated fruit snacks for distribution to community partners and reputable relief agencies around the world.
April 12, 2025

SWO Gleaners Annual Fundraising Banquet is April 12th at the Portuguese Club of Leamington. Tickets are $75. each or by tables of 8-10. Arrange your tickets by phone or email or buy directly online.
Come and enjoy a family-style meal, dessert & cash bar, and participate in our silent and live auctions. Entertainment is provided by Ryan Fountaine Jazz Trio.
The funds raised through this banquet account for a large portion of our working budget which enables us to help those who experience food insecurity.
Auction item selections always delight attendees each year. Bring your family, friends, and co-workers and enjoy an evening designed to support others.
March 29, 2025

SWO Gleaners Annual General Meeting is scheduled for March 29th, at 2:00pm and will take place at the SWO Gleaners location: 40 Industrial Road, Leamington.
Membership to the organization is required in order to participate in this AGM meeting. If you would like to join a $10 fee will grant you a one year membership. New members are welcome!
For further details about the meeting or membership inquiries contact – Joel Epp at the:
SWO Gleaners 519-326-7687.
Using Ontario’s Surplus Produce to fight local and global hunger.
Donate By Mail
SWO Gleaners
40 Industrial Rd.,
Leamington, ON, N8H 4W4
Feeding Those In Need